"These are difficult times—for all of us. It seems like everyday there is a new truth revealed about police brutality, violence against black women or some other event that’s undoubtedly driven by systemic racism. No one could fault you for feeling tired, because frankly, it is exhausting.
And yet we have an obligation to carry the torch. We can no longer look to the older generations to do what they’ve done in the past for us. The responsibility falls on us now. “They can no longer drive and have taken a seat in the back.” For that reason, we want to use this opportunity, not to rein you in, but to empower you—to empower all of us.
I was fortunate enough to be a part of, and capture images from the protests in Dallas, TX. The atmosphere was palpable. You could sense all the different emotions people wore on their sleeves. Fear. Anger. Hope. Perhaps, the most satisfying thing for me to see was the different people who came out in support of our cause. I couldn’t help but think to myself-- they get it.
It was refreshing to finally see the general public start to acknowledge all of what we’ve been trying to say for decades. The protests are working. The public pressure is working. In truth, none of it is possible without all of us- without you.
In observation of this year’s Juneteenth, I offer you some photos from the protests: photos that show that freedom is attainable and within our grasp. I also offer you some resources that may get you started or aid you in our journey to liberation."
- Kwesi Yanful, Photographer for MIZIZI.
Photos -- kwesithethird.pixieset.com/dallasprotestsmay2020
Learn about Juneteenth here — https://www.juneteenth.com/history.htm